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March 2024
Safety and Efficiency in Lighting Maintenance: How Bucket Trucks Transform Operations

Safety and Efficiency in Lighting Maintenance: How Bucket Trucks Transform Operations

In the realm of lighting maintenance, safety and efficiency are paramount. Traditional methods often involve cumbersome ladders, scaffolding, or risky climbs, posing significant safety hazards and inefficiencies. Enter bucket trucks—an innovative. . .


April 2023
Advice From Your Electrician: Energy-Saving Tips To Reduce Your Electricity Bills

Advice From Your Electrician: Energy-Saving Tips To Reduce Your Electricity Bills

Electrical Services: Tips That Save You Money Upgrade to LED Lighting: One of the easiest and most effective ways to reduce your electricity consumption is by replacing traditional incandescent or CFL bulbs with energy-efficient LED lights. . .


September 2022
Rising Electricity Costs: How An Electrician Can Help Make Your Home More Energy Efficient

Rising Electricity Costs: How An Electrician Can Help Make Your Home More Energy Efficient

How An Electrician Can Lower Your Energy Bill Energy Audit Most people use a lot more energy than they realize. While some appliances need to remain plugged in and turned on all the time, such as the fridge, the vast majority of electronics. . .


April 2022
FML - Blog - Rewiring Your Home For The Future

Rewiring Your Home For The Future

Modern Wiring: Improving Your Home Central Wiring With all of the fancy additions homes come with now, it’s best to have a central wiring system. This allows you to add multiple smart systems or features at a later date. A central wiring. . .


March 2022
FML - Blog - A Comprehensive Spring Electrical Maintenance Checklist For A Safer Home

A Comprehensive Spring Electrical Maintenance Checklist For A Safer Home

Make Sure To: Limit Extension Cord Use. These are meant to be used as short-term solutions. If you have had extension cords in use for a while or if you rely on them, consider having more outlets installed in your home instead. You should also. . .


February 2022
FML - Blog - Call An Electrical Contractor For These Household Electrical Repairs

Stop! Call An Electrical Contractor For These Household Electrical Repairs.

Signs That You Need To Call An Electrician Frequently Tripping The Circuit Breaker. If you frequently experience blown fuses or your circuit-breakers trip often, your circuits are likely drawing more current than they can provide. Regularly blown. . .


January 2021
Industrial Lighting Calgary | Fluorescent Man Lighting Ltd.

Top 5 Questions You Must Ask Before Hiring a Commercial Electrician

Virtually every business requires electricity for some aspect of their operations, which is why it’s always helpful to work with a licensed commercial electrician you can trust. From exterior lighting repairs to lighting design and installation,. . .


October 2020
electrical contractors calgary, electrician calgary, residential electrician calgary, electrical companies calgary, lighting calgary, commercial lighting calgary, lighting installation, lighting design calgary, lighting specialist, bucket truck services, sign repair calgary, Fluorescent Man Lighting and Electrical

4 Things to Look for in an Electrical Contractor

Are you looking to hire an electrical contractor for your residential lighting needs? Here are the top four things to look for when hiring a lighting specialist. Making sure that the electrical systems in your home are running correctly is. . .


March 2018
Spring Cleaning For Your Yard: Tips From Our Handyman Service Experts

Spring Cleaning For Your Yard: Tips From Our Handyman Service Experts

Whether you’re planning on using your yard for entertaining or as a relaxing family gathering area, it’s likely to need some spring cleaning after another one of Calgary’s long winters. Here are our top-tips for getting your yard warm-weather. . .


February 2016
monthly lighting maintenance

Fluorescent Man Lighting Offers On Call and Monthly Maintenance

Lighting plays an important role in every work place. Ensuring your employees are able to see what they are working on helps reduce errors as well as eye strain. If your business includes a retail environment than ensuring your sales floor and. . .


November 2015
On Call Maintenance Calgary

The Fluorescent Man Advantage

Having adequate lighting is integral to everyday operations, both at home and at the office. So when the lights go out it can cause major disruptions. That is why we always do our best to keep your lights on and functioning properly. Professional. . .


October 2015
Calgary Exterior Lighting

Secure Homes and Businesses with Exterior Lighting

On Halloween all the little boys and girls will don their costumes and alight into the night in search of fun and treats. With winter approaching and the days getting shorter it is important to make sure the exterior of your home or business is. . .


Lighting Repair Calgary

The Importance of Keep Your Lighting Intact

Lights. You don’t even give them a passing thought, until they go out. They help you to see your work, your home and your world. Here at Fluorescent Lighting Man we recognize the importance of quality lighting solutions to your life. Whether you. . .


September 2015

Calgary Handyman Services: 5 Home Projects That Require A Handyman

Some people are just born handy, where others need some help.  Regardless, most people don’t realize that you can hire skilled handymen to help you with all kinds of general home repairs, allowing you to focus on more important things.  Hiring. . .



Fluorescent Man Lighting: Calgary’s Top 5 General Home Repairs

Homeownership is a wonderful achievement we all strive for, but it requires a great deal of responsibility.   As our homes age, the need for general repairs and home improvement projects increase. The good news is that most home repairs are. . .


August 2015

Blue LED Light Invention Wins Nobel Prize!

Overview: LED lights are being recognized by the Nobel Foundation! The invention of the blue Light Emitting Diode has won this year's Nobel Prize for physics. Surprised? Read the blog below to find out why you shouldn't be. It was. . .


May 2015

Fluorescent Man Lighting Has a Brand New Ride!

Batman has the Batmobile. Iron Man has his suit. Now fluorescent Man has the Light-Mobile. You've probably seen firemen in Hollywood movies utilizing their laddered firetrucks to snatch people from the high windows of burning buildings. Now. . .


April 2015

Calgary Lighting Maintenance

Our cars need it. Our bodies need it. Even our lawns need it. We’re talking about maintenance. However, when it comes to your company’s lighting system, maintenance tends to get pushed back until it’s too late. To prevent any lighting fiascos,. . .



The Truth Behind LED Light Savings

The word on the street is that Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) are highly energy efficient and save users big time money. But do they? The answer is both yes and no. Like many questions that involve money, it depends on the situation. Fluorescent Man. . .



A Energy Efficient Solution: Compact Fluorescent Lamps

With falling oil prices in Calgary, your business needs to save on any costs that it can. No matter what the economic trend is, your business needs to become more efficient, and one of the best places to start is with your energy bill. At. . .


March 2015

Maintenance of Outdoor Lighting Systems

It’s springtime in Calgary! And in typical Calgary form, the weather is unpredictable. One week it’s unseasonably warm, then the next, it’s frosty, and if you’re not careful, the fluctuations in weather can damage your outdoor lighting. . .



Why Choose Fluorescent Lighting?

For many home and business owners, Fluorescent light bulbs are still a preferred choice when it comes to lighting systems. Fluorescent Man Lighting in Calgary installs lighting systems that use fluorescent light bulbs, which are more energy. . .



Recycling Fluorescent Light Bulbs

Tragically, light doesn’t last forever! While stars undergo supernovas before fading away, luckily, your fluorescent light bulbs don’t go out with a similar bang. But what do you do with your old bulbs? Most often, fluorescent light bulbs end up. . .


February 2015

New Calgary Lighting Plan to Increase Safety

Overview: Apparently it’s a hazard just to walk across the street in Calgary, as the rule “pedestrians have the right of way” seemingly no longer applies on crosswalks. A Calgary city councilor has brought to surface the alarming number of. . .



Home Lighting in Calgary: How New Lights Can Help Sell Your Home

Overview: Man has been trying to harness the power of light since the dawn of time. Fast forward to 2015, and homeowners have the capability of harnessing light via their home lighting system. New lighting fixtures can increase the value of your. . .


January 2015

Industrial Lighting Safety Tips

Overview: If you are designing and installing a new lighting system or retrofitting an old one, there are key factors you need to take into consideration. For example: The age of the lighting system? Lighting levels? Where to place the fixtures? . . .



Why It's So Important To Maintain Your Lighting

At Fluorescent Man Lighting we’re Calgary lighting specialists and that means we know just how important it is to maintain your lighting. Do you? Lighting is something many feel they shouldn’t have to deal with and that’s why lighting. . .



How To Dispose of Your Old CFL Bulbs

Fluorescent lighting is a great option for many businesses due its energy efficiency and bulb lifespan when compared to regular incandescent lighting. But like all lights fluorescent bulbs do eventually stop producing light, and regardless of. . .



Lighting Maintenance in Calgary

Overview: Offices and workplaces need to have a proper amount of lighting for people to be productive and alert. The basic premise for any business or home lighting is for ideal levels of lighting at a minimum cost. Read the blog below for tips on. . .



The Cost of Doing Business: Tips for Reducing Costs

Overview: If you are a small business owner or you’ve just started a small business, there are both start-up costs and overhead that can cause financial difficulties. Read the following blog to get a few simple tips on reducing unnecessary. . .


December 2014

Calgary Lighting Repair: How To Keep Your Lights Healthy During The Holidays

Overview: With Christmas and the holidays just around the corner, it can be easy to forget about your lights this time of year. But by following a few simple tips, you can keep lights in top shape and avoid unnecessary lighting repairs. As. . .


November 2014

T5 Fluorescent Lighting Versus Metal Halide: What's The Difference?

Overview: If you own an industrial facility, factory or warehouse then there's a good chance you're using Metal Halide lights. While these bulbs can produce some great light, they're probably costing you more money that necessary. At. . .



T8 Fluorescent Lights - Lower Your Energy Bills and Improve Your Lighting Today!

Overview: If your office, building or house is currently using T12 fluorescent bulbs or even incandescent bulbs, one of the easiest ways to save energy and money is to replace your bulbs with T8 fluorescent lighting. If you like protecting the. . .



New Study Highlights The Importance of Correct Office Lighting

Professor Dino Pisaniello from the University of Adelaide has recently raised concerns about various factors in the workplace. Among them was the length of time employees were spending stationary, as well as the quality of light they were working. . .


October 2014

Top 5 Seasonal Outdoor Lighting Tips

Overview: If you're thinking of lighting up your house this Halloween or for the festive season in general, then you'll find that a little goes a long way! To find out some seasonal outdoor lighting tips, check out the blog below. With. . .



Calgary Tower Gets New LED Lighting Installation

Overview: The famous Calgary landmark that you all know and love is getting a lighting makeover! The lighting system that normally lights up the downtown Calgary Tower is being completely overhauled and will be replaced by a new, more energy. . .



Ford Chooses LED Lighting Installation

Overview: This year Ford Motor Co. begun a $25 million project to swap out its existing lighting system for LED lighting. For more information, check out the blog below. Ford Motor Co. has recently started a $25 million investment project. . .


September 2014

Choosing LED Lighting or Fluorescent Lighting?

As Calgary lighting specialists, we provide a variety of different indoor and outdoor lighting solutions, including LED and fluorescent lighting. Both LED and fluorescent have their advantages and disadvantages – but which suits you and your. . .


July 2014

Service Your Outdoor Lighting: There Is No Better Time Than Now!

Summer in Calgary can be lovely, but as we all know winter is always just around the corner and before you know it we’ll be faced with another 8 months of snow. At Fluorescent Man Lighting we’ve had plenty of experience maintaining outdoor. . .


Latest Testimonial

“​Hey Nigel, just thought I would let you know our electricity averaged around $630/month before the upgrade, compared with the September bill that we just got of only $370 – much better savings than we thought. The condo board members are extremely pleased!”​


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