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3 Tips For Choosing The Right Interior Lighting For Your Home

Are you moving into a new home, or simply looking to upgrade your interior lighting? Here are 3 factors you must take into consideration when choosing the right residential lighting.

When you plan a new home interior design project, there are so many aspects to consider. Not only do you have to keep in mind your budget and time-frame, but you also need to look at the elements that will make your project stand out.

One of these elements is quality interior lighting, and you must make sure that the lighting you choose will:

  • Increase your home’s value
  • Enhance the environment
  • Complement your decor
  • Lower your energy consumption and electric bills

While to most homeowners lighting may seem like a finishing touch or an afterthought, it can actually work to increase the value of your home and allow you to live in comfort.


Affordable and Quality Commercial and Residential Lighting Services in Calgary

At Fluorescent Man Lighting, we understand just how much of an impact the right lighting can have on your space and quality of living. From interior fixture design to repairs, maintenance, and LED retrofits, we offer comprehensive residential lighting services to suit all your needs.

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3 Things to Think About When Choosing Your Interior Lighting

Lighting is absolutely key to good interior design within your home, affecting not only the perceived size of a room, but also changing the ambiance, the mood of your guests, and how the space is used. In fact, there is far more to good interior lighting than simply choosing an attractive lampshade.

If you want to create a space that really shines, all types of elements need to come together in harmony. Here are 3 things you must keep in mind when designing your interior lighting:

1. The Amount of Natural Light

In homes such as basement conversions or small city apartments where natural light is often lacking, your interior lighting needs to compensate. Opting to go for wall lights, uplights, and table lamps, instead of focusing on ceiling lights, will ensure that the light reaches even the dingiest corners of your space.

Consider Picture Lights

Picture lights are a wise choice in a darker room because they can concentrate the light where you need in most. In en-suite bedrooms and bathrooms that don’t have windows, specially designed bathroom lights can give a natural feel - which is much more flattering and warming when you wake up in the morning.

2. The Room Size

If the rooms in your home are small and perhaps feel a little cluttered with furniture, then it’s key to ensure that your interior lighting is evenly spread. In such a small space, opt for corner lamps & ceiling lights as they will help spread light further, creating the illusion of a bigger room.

What about rooms that are too big?

In the larger rooms of your home, ambient picture lights and table lamps can help make the space feel less intimidating and cosier, allowing for a more relaxed atmosphere.

3. Your Furniture

One of the most important jobs of your lighting is to complement your choice of furniture. Here is a basic guideline to follow depending on the feel and color of your furniture:

Dark Furniture

Dark furniture can make a room feel enclosed and cramped. Using bright ceiling lights will open up the space. Make sure you choose chandeliers or lamp shades that allow light to shine through them.

Light Furniture

If you have gone for a lighter, more minimalist style, then stylish picture lights or wall lights are more directional and can help you highlight statement pieces of furniture which you want to draw attention to.


Call Today

To find out more about how the team of professional lighting experts at FML can help design and install the perfect lighting fixtures for your living space, visit our office at PO Box 218, Chestermere PO, Chestermere, AB, T1X 1K8.

Alternatively, you can call us 403-863-8529 or fill in our online contact form.

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“​Hey Nigel, just thought I would let you know our electricity averaged around $630/month before the upgrade, compared with the September bill that we just got of only $370 – much better savings than we thought. The condo board members are extremely pleased!”​


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